​​​​​​​The 7 Day Energy Experience (7EE) Archives help connect one to the Keys of Self-Mastery, and is a Sacred-Experience to Awaken and Advance one’s abilities, and to Enhance the Energy of the Receiver through Alchemy.  We are Chemistry to the Science of our Embodiment’s, Infused by the Power of the Spiritual Senses.  The blend becomes the Concoction of the Coded Consciousness being Revealed. 

The 7EE Archives is an Energetic Reboot to Remember, Release, Repair, Realign and Receive, while Calibrating and Encoding the Cellular Makeup.  It helps to detoxify the old energetic-system, cleanse impurities of the past, and creates an illuminated restructuring on a cellular level to withstand the New-Light Body Experience. 

*** Please Note ***

7EE Courses Have been Completed.


Although, the 7EE Archives are Available upon Request. 

For More Information and pricing, please contact us.  Thank you. 

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7 Day Energy Experience 

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