I See the Reflection of Love from Light, for I Am that of You, and You are that of Me, therefore, we are the Same as One to All that Is.
You are the Masterful-Being that is Consciously Coded and Connected as One with the Mother-Father God, the Arch Angels and Saints, the Great White Brother & Sisterhood of Light (white defining Light), the Ascended Masters, the Spirit Guides, Spirit Family, Holy Family of the Divine Lineages of Ancestral beings, Nature, the Elements, the Fairies and everything that is Configured into the One Aspect of All that is.
As you begin to Transcend, you shall see the Magnificent Miracles that the Mother has been trying to Show us for so long. So, we must continue to Clear the old Lens that shrouds our Sight from Seeing the Truth.
A Long time ago we strayed, and became Lost Little Lambs, disoriented and distant from its Shepherd.
We are here to SHINE our LIGHT as a BEACON and Serve as an Example of what this Living Light is all about.
Hiding beneath the clouded shroud, our Hearts continue to Dream and Imagine that of which becomes visible again up here, that doesn’t exist on your old earth plane down there. Absolutely Everything is a Part of the Living Lessons one will partake in, and yet to be beyond the old paradigm is a New Existence simply Waiting for your Arrival. Magic and Miracles are Just Beginning says Mother Mary.
The Divine Mother Mary and Sophia have asked us to Serve through the Ministry and Mastery of their Light, to Teach and bring forth Inspirational Pearls of Wisdom that is Woven through our DNA as the Sons and Daughters who Carry the Internal Codex’s of The Christed Consciousness to its Awakening State as One Continues to Serve.
As Bringers of this New Dawn, it is our Desired Commitment and Devotion to Follow Through with what we are Destined to Do, and that is to Cloak ourselves into the Energy of the Divine Feminine I Am.
Source Reminds us that it isn’t about who will LEAD or FOLLOW. We have a Choice to Live Life in Light and continue to SERVE as a Light Reflection and an EXAMPLE for others. Standing Tall and in Stillness, will keep one Raised into the Heavens Realms of a New Reality.
When the going gets tough, KEEP GOING, for it will get easier. Letting Go will help the Flow of Frequency, that we as humans continue to Encounter in these Energy Experiences, that are not going to Stop until we have Completed all that still needs to be Completed, in this Awakening and Ascensional Process to an Everlasting and Eternal Existence of Peace and Love.
As an Emissary LIKE YOU, we Carry the Codex’s of Shekinah, Mother Mary and Sophia, As Above, So Below and In-Between. The Triad, The Triple Goddess, The I Am, the Whole Self.
We Know that we are Instilled with Key Codes that have Unlocked so many of our Mysteries, and we are So Blessed to have been given our remembrances by Choice of Free Will.
And because of this, the Mothers have asked the Sons and Daughters to Step up to another Rung of the Living Light Ladder and SERVE to others, that of what is Served to Thee. And as You become this Example of Energy, those who stand before you, will See a Clearer Image of their own Divine Self in a Light-Reflection as an Illuminous Being.
By Learning to Open and Receive the Codex’s of our Innate Truths, we will Align our Earthly Embodiment into our Divine I Am Mastery. And as the Angels Appear one by one, we begin in Preparation for the Greatest Show on the New Earth in a New Beginning of our New Reality.
As our ONE TRUE SELF, we are LEARNING to FULLY EMBRACE our Divine Mastery of this Mothers Ministry, and are to bring forth unto thee, these NEW KEYS / CODEX’s of our Sacred Lineage as “Modern Mystics”.
We have spent lifetime’s opening our Akashics to Recall our Aspectual Beings, and the roles we played, that will now help us here in this lifetime, as this is the most pertinent time to be Revealed and Remembered.
As we Embark the BRAND NEW, we will continue as the Collective to bring forth the most Sacred Memory of all, and this KNOWING doesn’t’ come from without, it comes from within, fully Connected through the Codes of the Soul, the Inner-Light, the Innate-Self, and as an Energy that is Embedded into All that Is. This is where Truth Resides.
We have to Learn how to Engineer through Free Energy, Zero Point, Balance.
This Next Invitation is to Activate the Soul Deeper from within, and to Meet with the Masters by getting up-close and personal with them, as we are no different than they, we simply have forgotten, until Now, that We are One thy Same.
The Mothers have asked to Provide Teaching Lessons from the School House of Living Light.
So, we Invite you to come into the Lighthouse and be Activated, Awakened and Ascend into the next higher dimensional planes of existence.
It has been asked to Invite the “Sons and Daughters of the Mother” to fully awaken their deepest memories of their Souls Lineages. And as the Codex’s are Opened from within, the New is apt to begin a new wealth of Discernment that will help each who are ready to Disclose their Truths.
So much has been Concealed for so long. We are here to Reveal the Seven Seals and go into our Treasure Chest and find these hidden Gems and Jewels that are ours to be Recovered.
During the Sessions/Lessons, one will be asked a series of questions to help Activate and Awaken the Codex’s of their Sacred Lineage/Family, and then Step by Step, move toward the Future, curving back into the Present, and Learn how to Actively Cooperate within the Collective, and Remain at Zero Point while All begin this Transitional Period.
As Sons and Daughters of Mary, you were Taught Strength and Agility to Maneuver through Mass Movements and Transitional Changes. And now in this Modern time, in another Mass Movement, there isn’t any difference to what was, for here in the Now, we are the same . . . Strength and Agility.
There is a HUGE Mass Movement that is about to Begin. We can feel it, and we Know as Code Carriers, we are the Peace Keepers to Hold this Living Light in the Presence and in the Name of the Divine I Am.
Each Lesson or Teaching is Unique to the individual receiving . . . When the Energy reaches Zero Point for the Individual, there will be a next shift. This is when we begin to blend into the Collective Soul groups of each Sacred Lineage that is being remembered.
We have Searched the Libraries High and Low, Wide and Deep. That of what is still Asleep in the Codex’s of its Old School Text, False Belief Systems and Duality must be Activated, Awakened and then be Released of its Divisions, that Keep Separating us from the Accord of Oneness.
You have reached a Level of Love that you are able to Sustain without the Pain of your Past or worries of your future. You have gained Balance enough to Thrive in life, instead of a fearful worry of just trying to Survive.
These Lessons/Teachings and Activation's are to walk you through the Lineages of our most Sacred times together, to open the Vaults and Chambers, and to help you go-inwardly at the Heart Center to Reveal the Real Truth, from that of what may have confused you at times before this.
Lesson by Lesson we will continue to Activate and Awaken the Embodiment in the Light Frequencies of the Ministry. You are a Divine Devotee, Dedicated and Committed as an Earth Angel to Walk this life in the Name of the Divine I Am.
For each Course Session/Lesson in Remembrance, you will be given your Divine Documentation. The Divine Mother has asked us to energetically Transcribe each Tablet of Truth, as this is our Remembrance from the Mothers Manuscripts. This Manual will be Created for us to Have and Hold as a Keepsake of our Commitment.
This is our Sacred Story, and our Truths shall be Revealed. There are millions of others who have the same Sacred Stories, that may never get the chance to be brought to the forefront, and by the Will of God and the Energy of these Experiences, our Truth is being Revealed. As Keepers of the Mothers Manuscript, we will continue to Hold this beloved Energy as an Example of Her Purity and Love.
We do know that these Courses/Sessions are to help one go deeper into places that have not been opened yet for its Reveal, as to then, we will need time to allow this Energy to be integrated and calibrated into our daily lives.
Only YOU will know how many Courses/Sessions you will want or need to your Commitment and Agreement through Your Divine Discernment.
There isn’t a Timeline or Deadline to when these Courses/Sessions need to be started or completed, for we have waited Lifetimes to bring these Gifts forward, and we want to make sure that this time we get it right.
That of what we do for Self, is also that of what we do for others.
We are here to Focus on the Present Energy of Simply Being. Although, we must be Activated to Awaken the Embedded Codex’s from within, as to Help us Heal and be Released from the Unknowing, so that our Truest Potentiality can be brought Forward.
We are so very Excited to Re-New the Movement of this Ministry, as we are the Men and Women
Living Life as Testimonies of Truth.
We are Love, we are Light. And So, it is.
Each Course Session is Natural and Organic, there isn't an agenda, it will Simply Flow naturally as Intended to be.
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The Sessions/Lessons ~
All Sessions/Courses/Teachings/Remembrances/Activation's will be provided either in
To begin Your Courses/Sessions, simply Register here within.
$180.00 ~ 90 Minute Session
$150.00 ~ 1 Hour Session
A Course of Consciousness
Revealed from the Codex’s of the Innate Self